BAC International quality assurance approach is both ‘risk-based’ and ‘enhancement-focused’. In doing so, BAC International established quality check steps are outlined below :

Step-1: Assessor will submit the assessment report to the Head of School.

Step-2: Head of School will send the assessment report to the Internal Verifier (IV), who convenes a monthly meeting for finalizing the report.

Step-3: Internal Verifier will forward the verification report with recommendation to the Head/CEO, BAC International for onward transmission to QAVC for review and certification of IV report.

Step-4: On behalf of the Verification Committee, the CEO will produce verification report for ISV’s verification and clearance.

Step-5: CEO will collect the report of ISV with recommendation.

Step-6: The CEO will present ISV report to the senior management committee for review and approval. This is comparable to the assessment and moderation systems at UoD.

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BAC International Study Centre is a collaboration with
the University of London, University of Derby and Edexcel.